Treatment of Urinary Incontinence

Published : 2017-10-30 08:35:54
Categories : News

Treatment of Urinary Incontinence

Incontinence is defined as disorder or alteration of organism that consists of involuntary urination, excrement, etc. It may be uncomfortable for many people to discuss this with a medical professional or people in the close circle. 

when you win the continence

However, it is a matter to discuss this without delay. Not only to find a solution to the disease, but also to increase the quality of life of the patient. A high percentage of people have been detected with high levels of stress, shame and discomfort until the condition of depression due to urinary incontinence.

What can produce chronic incontinence? 

- Neurological diseases: Parkinson, Alzheimer, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, etc. These diseases often affect the ability to control the bladder or empty it completely.

- Medical diseases: cerebral infarction, dementia, diabetes, prolonged immobilization.

Incontinence treatment

Depending on the type of incontinence that suffers a person, severity, as well as the cause will have a specific treatment or another. In all cases we recommend before making any decision to consult with a medical professional of confidence, take the appropriate preventive measures in each case and don’t give by valid the first treatment or method that doesn’t help. As a general rule, must be tested two or four options until there is one that is most comfortable for a person.

We can classify treatments against incontinence in two large blocks:

- Chemical treatments,

- Preventive products which reduce the effects of unintentional losses of urine or other substances.

Chemical Treatments

In most cases, medications have a palpable effect on the user, because incontinence is derived from another pathology. Before choosing a type of medication from one compound or another, we must make sure that our doctor is well acquainted with our medical history and keeps track of possible side effects. Types of chemical treatments.

- Antagonists of muscarinic receptors is a type of anticholinergic agent that inhibits the activity of the muscarinic receptor, its effect is the relaxation of the muscle of the vascular wall. Their common use is usually for the treatment of urge incontinence.

- Mirabegron It is a medicine developed for overactive bladder, works by improving the storage capacity of the bladder, thus helping urine retention.

Estrogen hormones are important in female continence. They help maintain the strength and flexibility of the muscles of the urethra and vagina.

- Duloxetines is an antidepressant that is usually used for the treatment of depression as well as pain associated with diabetic neuropathy. This medicine strengthens the muscle sphincter, and reduces involuntary nerve signals leading to a leakage of urine.

Incontinence Control Products

In Global eCare we have a wide range of products for the prevention and control of urinary incontinence. When choosing one type of product or another you must take into account:

 incontinence nightdress

- The amount of urine leakage,

- comfort,

- price,

- durability,

- if it is simple to use,

- if it is discreet with smell control.

Types of the products:

- Panties of nappy support. They are a really useful garment, we have totally waterproof panties and diapers, preventing the patient from getting wet. They are also washable and can be ironed.

- Nightdress-bag anti nappy. They are designed to prevent that the patient can manipulate or remove the diaper. It also have anti-allergy treatment.

- Mattress pad. Protect the mattress, the wheelchair, etc. It also protects the mattress from getting wet and staining when we are cleaning the patient. Due to the quality of the materials it resists 400 washes.

- Covers for mattress. They will prevent our mattress from getting damaged and stained. It is a product recommended primarily for patients with allergies. You can find different materials: curl, Saniluxe, vinyl, etc.

- Anti-nappies pajamas. They are designed to prevent the patient from having access to the diaper. It is designed in ribbed that have an elastic property in the fabric facilitating the adaptation to any position at the time of rest.

- Protection for mattress. Protects the mattress from any loss of liquids.

- Sheets of inmobilization. It is a product designed to make life easier for caregivers or caring staff of people with Alzheimer's, dementia or similar.

- Sheet protection. They are designed for when we are going to make a cure or to clean the patient not to stain the mattress, the sofa. As all products are washable.

If you are looking for a product that does not appear in this list or you need a product adapted to your needs, do not hesitate to contact us. We design and manufacture customized products.

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